Livro: Staff, baton & longsword combat series: Understanding and developing footwork

Fonte: Jogo do Pau Português
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  • Relevância: ★★★
  • Título: Staff, baton & longsword combat series: Understanding and developing footwork
  • Autor: Luís Franco Preto (mestre)
  • Publicação: Ed. Autor, 2012
  • Formato: 156 páginas e escrito em inglês (20.32x25.4cm)

Um excelente livro para desenvolver e melhor perceber a técnica de deslocamento utilizada no jogo do pau.
O autor explica e aplica esta mesma técnica de deslocamento para outras práticas, de bastão, vara e espada longa (HEMA).


Footwork has always been regarded as one of the most important elements to the success of a Martial Artist's performance. However, almost all comments heard about this topic are, usually, generic at best: "great footwork", "amazing speed", "better footwork", thus failing to build a better understanding about what makes up effective footwork. This easy to read book with over 100 photos looks to shed some light on this issue by analysing and systematizing:

  • The variables that make up effective footwork
  • The difference between offensive and defensive footwork
  • The relationship between footwork when using weapons of different length
  • How to learn footwork so as to have it transfer into sparring

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