Livro: Staff, baton & longsword combat series: Functional parrying skill

Fonte: Jogo do Pau Português
capa do livro


  • Relevância: ★★★
  • Título: Staff, baton & longsword combat series: Functional parrying skill
  • Autor: Luís Franco Preto (mestre)
  • Publicação: Ed. Autor, 2012
  • Formato: 148 páginas e escrito em inglês (20.32x25.4cm)

Um excelente livro para desenvolver e melhor perceber a técnica de defesa utilizada no jogo do pau.
O autor explica e aplica esta mesma técnica de deslocamento para outras práticas, de bastão, vara e espada longa (HEMA).


Contrary to the common focus found in martial arts, which places exaggerated relevance on conscious body awareness, this book breaks new ground by presenting over 140 photos on numerous fundamental topics such as training strategies for teaching:

  • Parries' visual strategies,
  • Defensive distance management,
  • Management of parries' timing.

Furthermore, the scientific based approach of how trainees' motor control software should be developed is sure to make training significantly more effective and enjoyable for those who choose to embrace this new paradigm. Finally, the author's straight forward systematization of both parries' and waiting guards' context of application helps readers enhance their tactical understanding of combat like few other manuals on martial skill.

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